Photography and Graphic Design

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Pampered Pets

Animals have always been a huge part of my life. I worked at a pet store for over 6 years; it was my first job and it ended up being one of my favorites. I adored helping others discover their new furry friends! As I begin taking more photos, animals tend to be a common theme. 
I believe that pets provide a bond that is unlike any other. You are the center of their universe. Be sure to make their world as special as they make yours.
This is Daisy, she is the sweetest wiener dog (Dachshund) my brother and his girl friend recently adopted.

She's much faster than she looks!

Leo is my best friend's cat, he is just precious.

Finn is a pied-pearl cockatiel mix I've had for around 7 years.
Ava is the newest addition to our house, she's only about a year old.
Ava photo-bombing!

"Bat Bird"

Hope you enjoyed the photos!

Lo Jo


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Oh hey there! My name is Lauren and I'm a 24 year old college graduate from Florida. I surround myself with quotes that inspire me and positive people. I have recently gotten a Nikon D3200 HD-SLR and have decided to share my photos as I learn new techniques and grow my portfolio.


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